Anahata (the Heart Chakra)

Week four brings us to the midpoint in the chakra system!

The heart chakra is in the middle of our chakras and is always seeking balance.  It will let us know if our inner world does not match our outer environment; or if there is inequality between our upper and lower chakras.  It will also lead us to others who can create balance, however, that isn’t always a good thing!

Looking back over my own life, I can see where people entered my life to create a balanced system that actually needed HEALING…not balance.  For example: there were many years where I was unsure of myself and believed others could only see my shortcomings.

What happened?

I attracted people who were only more than happy to point out all the ways I didn’t measure up.  Did they create balance by giving me the “truth” I thought I needed?  Sure.  But this is where I needed healing…not someone to sit on the other end of my self hate teeter totter.

The heart chakra sits in the region of our physical heart, not in the heart itself but more centered.  Think of where you feel the emotion of heartache and you have found it.  It is associated with the element of air, which makes sense since it sits smack in the middle between our lungs.  The heart chakra is focused on love.  Big love.  Not just love of others, but also love for ourselves.  It symbolizes empathy, universal love, self-knowledge, inner peace and emotional openness.


The right of the sacral chakra is TO LOVE AND BE LOVED.  The work is to release grief.

When this chakra is BLOCKED:

  • Fear of relationships or getting too close
  • Feeling unloved or unlovable
  • Feel jealous or lonely
  • Fear of getting hurt
  • Testing others to prove their love
  • Lack of empathy
  • Trust issues
  • Intolerant

When this chakra is OVERACTIVE:

  • Falling in love too quickly
  • Poor boundaries or focus more on other’s needs
  • People pleasing or being a martyr
  • Being too trusting

And when it is JUST RIGHT, a BALANCED heart chakra looks:

  • Peaceful
  • Compassionate
  • Loving
  • Tolerant, open and warm

This week try writing yourself a love letter, honor and accept the different parts of your personality, practice self-care as an act of self-love, volunteer in the community, make a list of things that bring you joy, fly a kite or drive with the windows down to feel the air.  Visualize a ball of green light glowing in your chest that grows to wrap the world in peace and love. Perform random acts of kindness.  Repeat to yourself:

I am open to love

I am peaceful

I deeply and completely love and accept myself

I accept things as they are

Check the Facebook and Instagram pages for more ideas!