Yinning is winning!!

Have you ever noticed how our emotions get stuck in our body?  After a stressful day, our shoulders get tight.  When I’m feeling sad or mad, my lower back starts to hurt and my chest tightens.  We store our pent up emotions in our body.  It’s the “issues in our tissues”.

Welcome to Yin Yoga!

Yin yoga may look like it’s all about stretching our muscles…but it is actually working on our tendons, ligaments and joints.  Those areas don’t get much love or attention and that makes them the perfect hiding spot for emotions we don’t want to deal with.  During a Yin practice, we compress these tissues and then release them to get the synovial fluid to rinse out whatever is lingering in there.

To get us started, here is a yin practice that you can do at home using just a wall.  Give it a try and see how you feel after!