The third eye chakra is in the middle of our brain (although we sometimes place it at the brow as a reference point) and is associated with our pineal gland. We interpret information we see outside of ourselves. We can also use our imagination to build the scene around those details to get a feel for what we believe is happening around us. The more we tune into this, the stronger it gets.
Sometimes Ajna is also referred to as our intuition or our conscience. This is what we are using when we give ourselves a “reality check” or access our wisdom and self realization. Those “aha moments”!
Now, here is some fun sciency-type stuff. The pineal gland is tucked into the middle of our brain and actually has some of the same retinal tissue that our eyes have. It responds to light. When the pineal gland is processing the light that we see when we open our eyes during the day, it signals the body to produce serotonin. Serotonin is the hormone that helps us feel motivated and positive. When it is completely dark out, the pineal gland signals the body to produce melatonin. That is the hormone that kicks in our relaxation response and helps us fall asleep.
We know that when our sleep/wake cycles get thrown off, we have difficulty managing our emotions or making wise decisions. It becomes difficult to think and we may even be more likely to hallucinate. Artificial light is becoming more and more of an issue in our daily lives and it is important to reset ourselves with a balance of natural outdoor light and complete darkness.
The right of the third eye chakra is TO SEE AND PERCEIVE. The work is to release illusion.
When this chakra is BLOCKED:
- Sense of denial or feeling narrow minded
- Trouble setting goals or planning for your future
- Poor memory
- Inability to connect to intuition
- Lack of imagination
- Rejection of anything spiritual
- Migraines, sinus issues, poor vision
- Inability to see the big picture
When this chakra is OVERACTIVE:
- Feeling overly paranoid
- Spacing out and difficulty concentrating
- Inability to do mundane tasks
- Setting unrealistic goals or over planning for your future
- Frequent nightmares
And when it is JUST RIGHT, a BALANCED Third Eye chakra looks:
- Intuitive
- Imaginative
- Focused
- Spiritual connection
This week practice mindfulness or other meditation. Daydream or visualize what you want to manifest in your life. Draw a yantra or mandala. Keep a dream journal. Notice the times when your first feeling is right to develop trust in intuition. Go outside to be in natural light or spend time in complete darkness to activate pineal gland.
Repeat to yourself:
I see the truth in all situations
I trust my inner wisdom
I think clearly
I trust my decisions
Check the Facebook and Instagram pages for more ideas!