Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra)

Sahasrara is our Crown Chakra.  We have journeyed up the ladder of the chakras these past 7 weeks to arrive here.  It is important to know that while we have been moving up the chakras, we can also move down them.  The path up is considered the journey to enlightenment, while the trek down is the path of manifestation.  Some of us like to stay in our own heads where we have lots of ideas, but never really bring them to fruition.  The manifesting path would be useful to bring those ideas into daily living!

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is said to connect us to higher consciousness.  When it is off balance we might struggle to learn new things, feel depressed or isolated.  We could also find ourselves being rigid about our beliefs.  When we are in balance, we live in the present with trust in our own inner guidance and understand the impermanent nature of reality.

Things are always changing and we go with the flow!

Since this chakra is located at the top of the head, it is also related to our cognition…how we think about things and what we believe we know.  This can lead to over intellectualizing things.  When this chakra is open, we should feel the flow of energy.  Thinking about things in a purely intellectual way often shuts down energy and keeps it trapped in ‘facts’.  How this pertains to mental health????  Ever notice how those ‘facts’ change based on our mood?  When we are depressed, everything is bad.  When we are anxious, everything is scary.  When we are mad, everyone sucks.

The right of the crown chakra is TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND.  The work is to RELEASE ATTACHMENTS.  Attachment can be to physical things or to our own ego.  Attachment is seen as the source of our suffering because it blocks the fluidity of the universe.  Another way to think of this in more practical terms is look at how often we people please.  We agree to things or overcommit because we fear of losing an attachment.  True non-attachment might be to admit that we have other responsibilities right now, but maybe I could come back to this later if the time is right.  Non-attachment is to understand and be open to the path we are on; not stubbornly trying to control the path or move faster or slower.

How do we know if this chakra is blocked?

  • Feeling a sense of separation or isolation
  • Having trouble trusting the universe
  • Lacking knowledge of purpose
  • Feeling disconnected from humanity
  • Having trouble connecting with higher self
  • Inability to empathize with others
  • Feeling concerned with individuality often

Sometimes this chakra can be over-active leading to:

  • Being overly intellectual
  • Addicted to “spirituality”
  • Criticizing the spirituality of others
  • Lacking an individual identity
  • Feeling overwhelmed by knowledge


  • Positive affirmations “I am one with my higher self.  I trust and follow intuition.  I am open to the abundance the Universe offers.”
  • Actions: Lay outside at night and stare at the vastness of the night sky, or go somewhere in nature that inspires a sense of awe.  Pray. Meditate, meditate, and meditate!  Visualize a white light spreading from the top of your head down through all your chakra points.  Volunteer your time or energy to a cause that helps you feel connected.

Some ideas to journal on:

  • Who or what could I have more faith in?
  • How might I be blocking grace?
  • Do I allow myself to experience stillness?  Can I simply be?
  • Who would I be without my limiting beliefs?

Visit the Facebook and Instagram pages for more ideas on how to support your crown chakra, or schedule an appointment to come in and discuss how to best get this energy unblocked!